Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm ALIVE!!!

Yes, I know I've been a bit MIA as of recent, but I've had a lot on my plate.

But I'm back now! Still, lots on my plate, but I'm doing much better at balancing it all now...

This won't be an epically long post. No, I'm finishing up a book and will be posting the review (hopefully by the end of the week) and that will be a bigger chunk of wordage.

Anyway, the book I'm finishing is an anthology and I have discovered that I hold mixed feelings about anthologies. Do I like them? Do I dislike them? I don't know. Sure, they depend on the subject that the anthology focuses on and each individual story... But can one AMAZING story out weigh five or so bad ones? Any thoughts?

Now, this is where you (the reader) leaves a comment. ANYONE can comment. That's what's supper awesome about my blog, no subscription needed. So, yes, I really would love to hear some thoughts on anthologies...

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